Photographic archive of Romanic churches.
The only aim followed in the creation of this WEB site, with more than 25.000 images is to show everybody interested in Romanesque Art an important part of the very vast cultural heritage spread all over Europe, from its splendid cathedrals to humble hermitages and some medieval historical remains.
To enable you to locate a particular church, first select the country or territory, following the region, the province and the village. once you reach the desired church page, click on the selected photo to enlarge the picture and chance.
Folders are only aimed for classifying and filling purposes. Many modern countries did not exist in the Medieval times, consequently present boundary lines are not the same as in the Ancient Times; therefore, we have set direct access files for the territories of Alsacian, Catalonia, Sicily and the Museums for better understanding of the different Romanesque architectural styles.
Alsacian: In the Middle Ages this region formed part of the Holy Roman-german Empire; the linguistic and architectural influences acquired during this period are visible among the Romanesque constructions and the village names in this region.
Catalonia: This folder has been crested to classify and unify the architectural style of Catalan Romanesque and its linguistic and national ties of Catalan counties and its Medieval boundaries. Catalonia is now a region of Spain and same Catalan counties that were part of a Formerly territorial unit, now they are not. Andorra is an independent state, the counties Baixa Ribagorça and Llitera belong to Aragon and after the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, Cerdanya (part), Conflend, Rosselló and Vallespir form the French Department of Pyrénées Orientales from the region of Languedoc.
Cicily: Although Sicilian culture is considered to be a mixture of several Mediterranean influences, most of its Romanic churches have a particular feature: they are Norman style constructions with Oriental influence circular domes.
Every country, region, province and village name, as well as church names, have been transcribed in its original language.
Thanks for your visit.
Miquel Pahissa